NO.6699 Qingdao Rd., Jinan, Shandong, P.R.China

Enrollment and employment

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Take the lead to complete the tutor selection, enrollment and other work of master students. In the first year, 20 professional masters, 1 master, 1 doctor, and 1 full-time postdoc are enrolled. Signed and listed 2 excellent student source bases, visited 24 units to promote enrollment and employment in an all-round way. The college attaches great importance to the work of talents, not only has the discernment of talents and the sincerity of love talents, but also the courage of useful talents and the generosity of talents. In the past three years, the school has introduced 18 university teachers, including 3 postdocs, all of whom are doctoral students in TOP200 universities, and 6 of them have more than 1 year overseas study experience. The college has further improved the education mechanism of "science and education integration, medical education collaboration", continued to dilute labels, weaken identities, strengthen the medical teaching and research responsibilities of various talents, and vigorously practice the concept of "being a good teacher and a famous doctor".