NO.6699 Qingdao Rd., Jinan, Shandong, P.R.China


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General situation

The School of Stomatology fully implements the educational policy of the Party, adheres to the principle of moral education, the foundation of discipline construction, the support of talent team, the driving force of innovation and development, and the guidance of service to society, and promotes the connotation development, innovative development, characteristic development, and open development of the school.

The school now has two master's degree programs in Stomatology and Stomatology Technology, two first-class undergraduate programs in Shandong Province, and carries out education and continuing education for international students in stomatology, and enrolling post-doctoral students and doctors in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The existing teaching laboratory is more than 2000 square meters, equipment more than 20 million yuan. The professional teaching is mainly completed in the School of Stomatology, the Stomatology Hospital of Affiliated Provincial Hospital (Stomatology Hospital of Shandong Provincial Hospital), and the Department of Stomatology of affiliated Liaocheng Hospital (Liaocheng People's Hospital). There is the first affiliated hospital (Shandong Qianfoshan Hospital), the second affiliated hospital, the affiliated central Hospital (Jinan Central Hospital), the affiliated Jining People's Hospital, 960 Hospital and other clinical internship bases. There are more than 20 practice teaching bases, such as Shanghai Times Angel, Guangzhou Ruitong, Jinan Zhengyuchang, Qingdao Huaxin. The Affiliated Provincial Hospital of Stomatology is the national standardized training base for resident doctors, the national practice skills examination base for dental practitioners, and the key specialty of Medicine and health in Shandong Province, the special specialty of Clinical excellence in Shandong Province and the key clinical specialty in Shandong Province.

It offers two provincial-level first-class undergraduate programs of stomatology and stomatology technology. Set up 6 teaching and research departments, 1 laboratory,Seven sense branches. There are 41 faculty members, including 1 chief physician, 19 associate professors (associate chief physicians) (including appointment), and 20 doctors.

There are 27 members of the Communist Party of China, 1 member of the Peasants and Workers, and 1 member of the Democratic League. There are 979 students, including 795 in stomatology, 162 in stomatology technology and 22 postgraduate students.

Implement the "first issue" system, and standardize the study of the theoretical study center group of the Party Committee, the Party Committee, and the Party-government joint meeting. The advanced grass-roots Party organization of the school (college) was evaluated, 1 person was rated as an excellent party affairs worker, 2 people were rated as excellent Communist Party members, the first branch of students was rated as a five-star excellent sense branch, and 1 person was rated as an advanced individual of teacher ethics and teacher style. Trained 166 activists to join the Party, promoted 42 Party members,Thirty-nine probationary party members were reinstated as scheduled.